IDSA is disappointed that the House Labor, Health and Human Services Subcommittee did not fund the Bio-Preparedness Workforce Pilot Program in its FY 2024 appropriations bill, missing an opportunity to close the widening ID workforce gap.
IDSA is disappointed that the House Labor, Health and Human Services Subcommittee did not fund the Bio-Preparedness Workforce Pilot Program in its FY 2024 appropriations bill, missing an opportunity to close the widening ID workforce gap.
Dr. Marrazzo is an exceptional infectious diseases physician, leader, mentor and scientist who has dedicated her career to key areas of research, including sexually transmitted infections, HIV and antimicrobial resistance.
HIVMA is encouraged by the Senate FY 2024 Labor, Health and Human Services funding bill advanced by the Appropriations Committee, which sustains critical investments in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s efforts to establish the foundation for a national PrEP program.
Breakthrough research presented at the International AIDS Society’s 2023 Conference on HIV Science in Brisbane, Australia this week demonstrates the significant advances and scientific achievements recently made in HIV science.
House LHHS Appropriations Bill Harmful to the HIV Response HIVMA calls on the Senate to preserve funding for the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, Ryan White Program, NIH other essential programs, including PrEP access at the CDC.
Today’s ruling striking down the preventive services provision of the Affordable Care Act is a major setback to ending HIV as an epidemic and for improving the health of Americans by preventing the spread of other infectious diseases in the United States.
A significant number of people with HIV are left out of the health system, and new delivery models are needed to improve their access to needed care, according to a new report released by the HIV Medicine Association.
HIVMA Chair Michelle Cespedes, MD, MS welcomes the release of new draft guidance recommending deferrals based on individual risk assessment rather than a broad exclusion of an entire community.
The life expectancy of non-Hispanic Black men who have sex with men and who acquire HIV is 6.3 years shorter than their White counterparts when receiving status quo HIV care in the United States, according to simulation modeling findings presented at IDWeek.
HIVMA is pleased to announce new Board members and Michelle Cespedes, MD, MS as chair beginning Oct. 24.
HIVMA honors David Spach, MD and Sara Bares, MD for contributions to HIV clinical education and research.
IDSA and HIVMA are pleased that global efforts to end the HIV, tuberculosis and malaria epidemics received much needed investment at the seventh replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.