The Looming Crisis in HIV Care
HIVMA is working to expand the capacity of the HIV medical workforce and address shortages of experienced HIV providers that could thwart access to lifesaving care for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Take Action
Contact your legislators now to communicate the value of funding for medical research and public health programs.
The Latest Resources & Information on HIV Medical Workforce
IDSA and HIVMA testimony to the Energy and Commerce Committee with ID/HIV workforce recommendations.
Address HIV Medical Workforce Shortages
While HIV is a manageable disease today, treatment is complex and positive health outcomes require expert medical management and access to HIV drug therapies along with a range of critical medical and support services.
Securing our National Public Health Security with a Robust ID and HIV Workforce
IDSA and HIVMA are taking action to attract the next generation of ID and HIV providers and support the current workforce.
HIVMA Chair Wendy Armstrong’s Comments to the National Advisory Council on the National Health Service Corps
Dr. Armstrong recommended revisiting a proposal that would have allowed safety-net programs providing primary care to special populations to receive National Health Service Corps recruits if the clinic could document insufficient provider capacity.
HRSA Rulemaking Committee on Designation of Medically Underserved Populations
In a letter to the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIVMA Chair, Mike Saag, MD, submitted comments on HRSA’s rulemaking regarding criteria and methods for designating medically underserved populations and health professional shortage areas.
HIV Medical Provider Experiences: Results of a Survey of Ryan White Part C Programs (PDF)
Presented to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on HIV Screening and Access to Care.
Reducing HIV-Related Disparities through the HRSA Designations for Medically Underserved Areas and Populations (PDF)
Recommendations to improve the targeting of federal resources using the medically underserved areas and population (MUP/MUA, HPSA) designations.
Averting a Crisis in HIV Care: A Joint Statement of AAHIVM and HIVMA on the HIV Medical Workforce (PDF)
In spring 2009, HIVMA and AAHIVM formed a joint task force on HIV workforce issues. We held a series of meetings with members that represented the diversity of HIV medical providers in the U.S. with respect to specialty training, practice setting and geography. The discussions focused on identifying the issues currently facing the HIV workforce, as well as the challenges we face in the near future. A variety of proposals to address those issues were considered by the group, and consensus was reached. We then developed this joint policy statement on workforce issues, including recommendations that address each of those issues.