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HIVMA Clinical Educator Award

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The Clinical Educator Award recognizes HIVMA members who have demonstrated significant achievement in the area of HIV clinical care and provider education. Significant achievement will be based on overall achievement and refer to contributions to the acquisition and dissemination of information on HIV disease that transcend a single institution. How to nominate a colleague

2017 HIVMA Clinical Educator Award Winner

Monica Gandhi MD, MPH

Monica Gandhi MD, MPH, is an internationally recognized clinician and educator who has woven teaching and mentoring into all aspects of her work. Dr. Gandhi is currently a professor of clinical medicine in the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and San Francisco General Hospital. She is also medical director of the Ward 86 HIV Clinic, where she oversees care for more than 2800 patients. In this safety-net clinic and hospital setting, she has devoted herself to caring for an HIV-infected and at-risk patient population that includes the urban poor, homeless, women, racial and ethnic minorities, and immigrants—people often hard to engage and retain but who greatly need high-quality medical care. Dr. Gandhi’s commitment to teaching and mentoring extends well beyond UCSF. Supported by a National Institutes of Health grant, she developed a mentoring program for early career investigators of diversity and a “Mentoring the Mentors” national workshop series for mid-career and senior HIV investigators (to learn specialized techniques and tools of effective mentoring) and has led trainings in the U.S. and in Peru, Kenya, India, and South Africa supported by funding from the Fogarty International Center.


Past HIVMA Clinical Educator Award Winners

2016 - Elaine J. Abrams, MD
2015 - Peter A. Selwyn, MD, MPH
2014 - Judith S. Currier, MD, MSc, FIDSA
2013 - Joseph Eron, Jr., MD
2012 - Roy M. Gulick, MD, MPH, FIDSA
2011 - Kimberly Smith, MD, MPH
2010 - Mark W. Kline, MD
2009 - Paul E. Sax, MD
2008 - Jeffrey L. Lennox, MD
2007 - Alice Pau, PharmD
2006 - Joel E. Gallant, MD, MPH, FIDSA
2005 - Stephen Raffanti, MD
2004 - Harold Henderson, MD

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